Photo Albums (v1.1.2)

Photo Albums

In version 1.1.2 of Treatment Pad we’ve focused in on speeding up the pre and post editing experience.

The first simple change addresses opening photo albums, most clinics store individual patent photos in their own albums. So now by default, when you select open an album, it’ll open in both views. You can still open an album individually by using the Both Views/This View toggle button on the top right, but we’ve found that by changing the default behaviour, it reduces the friction in setting up the layout.

Furthermore, when saving a new layout, the first thing practitioners tend to do, is move the generated layout into the patients album. So now to help with the organization, photos will now not only save in the default Camera Roll location as required by iOS, but also in a new specific Treatment Pad album, and in the photo album the layout was made from. This does not create multiple copies of the generated layout but simply just tags the photo to be part of each album. In future we plan on adding more flexibility with where the photos are stored.

Lastly, for photo selection, we’ve heard that the auto-scroll to a photo is annoying, so we’ve taken that out and now when you select a photo to be edited, the gallery view does not scroll.


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In the Next Version

We’re currently working on two fronts for the the next version, the AI camera is almost ready to roll out as well as basic template editing tools. As soon as one of these features is ready, we’ll roll it out to you. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions on the priority we give to any particular features, please let us know.

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